Alone Boy

Some complain of the lack of creativity and he has not lending itself to new ideas, and some may also think that it does not come only for geniuses and Endowed only, but this is not correct!
Everyone can learn creativity and innovation of new ideas and this is not just words, here are some ways to help:

1 - Reverse thinking

If you're looking for positives Invert your thinking and look for the negatives, or vice versa, if for example the nature of your business requires customer service and want new ideas to improve the service Put a list of all ways to make customer service is bad and you will get some great ideas to improve the service.

Look for something that others did not do .. For example, the American auto industry known for big gas guzzlers greedily Vtvouk Japanese counterparts on the Americans and their manufactures small cars with fuel economy.

Think of the thing in reverse is one of the easiest ways to generate a new idea .. Turn your thinking and that in anything you'll find yourself reaching to the creative idea. For example, we say: It is known that is recognized: Students go to school, turn of thought, thought that: students come to school, has already achieved this creative idea through the study to the Internet, messaging and others.

Is facing you or your impression or your point of view; to see the defeat as a victory, and to the ordeal as a grant, and look what the victory of the defect and shortening and cons, if you got something that is not good, think of positive things I learned .. If it happened to you a great victory, think of negative things that have taken place so as not to be repeated again

2 - Integration

Merge any two or more to get the new creative idea, such as: car + boat = amphibious vehicle

3 - the perspective of other

See the problem or dilemma of more than angle, and in many ways and not to restrict your vision in the field of your eyes only, and examples that tells the story in it: different group of people in order to lift a bird TeamSpeak, which retained in the hole heading in the land, gave them a stick and began to enter and move within hole until he almost kills TeamSpeak! And the other tried to enter his long, perhaps holding it, but to no avail, and suggested some annoying sounds intimidating to stand up ... perhaps!

All this and the children in the fourteen years of age-based monitoring the situation and they seem to think the effects of tension and emotion research, and suddenly shouted: I've found!! What do you think if we poured a quantity of sand in the hole gradually

Another example: One day, entered the bus high a Bridges Vhacr inside and stuck to the roof of the bus at the bottom of the bridge and people are looking for a solution, think of all the people from the perspective of only one is that the roof stuck on the ceiling, and came all the proposals is feasible even brought a little girl did not more than ten years old and able to think from the perspective of the other if the offer that reduces the amount of air inside the bus windows and already implemented the idea and passed the bus safely.

4 - Creativity dreams

Dreams have no limits and take you away in the world of creative ideas and an example: Imagine that you became secretary of Education, what would you do?

5 - What if?

Say to yourself: What will happen if such and such .. The result will be such and Kmamama if the company has competition offering a new product at a lower price and good quality? We will be launching a new product competitive in price and quality, if we have to be ready for that.

6 - How can?

Use the answer to this question to find many alternatives and Alovkarmthal: How can I use the pen 20 is used writing and drawing?

7 - Images ideas mentally

The creative people grow consistently wonderful ability to conceive ideas, imagine and show outstanding skills in photography creative ideas in the form of fees and forms. It aids in this field, use the method: mind map .. This method to pay both parts of the brain to work, thinking, and thus Iattiyank energy thinking high so as to obtain the best results.
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